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Risk factors for asthma: is prevention possible?Richard Beasley, Alex Semprini, Edwin MitchellJan-09-2015Tijdschriftartikel
The role of fish intake on asthma in children: A meta-analysis of observational studiesPapamichael, Shrestha, Itsiopoulos, ErbasJan-06-2018Tijdschriftartikel
Asthma and dietary intake: an overview of systematic reviewsGarcia-Larsen, Del Giacco, Moreira, Bonini, Charles, Reeves, K.-H. Carlsen, Haahtela, Bonini, Fonseca, Agache, Papadopoulos, DelgadoJan-04-2016Tijdschriftartikel
The health consequences of smoking - 50 years of progress: a report of the Surgeon GeneralSurgeon GeneralRapport
Early Origins of Asthma. Role of Microbial Dysbiosis and Metabolic DysfunctionFernando Martinez, Stefano GuerraJan-03-2018Tijdschriftartikel
Association of indoor dampness and molds with rhinitis risk: A systematic review and meta-analysisMaritta Jaakkola, Reginald Quansah, Timo Hugg, Sirpa Heikkinen, Jouni JaakkolaJan-11-2013Tijdschriftartikel