Annual incidence and relative risk of diabetes in people with various categories of dysglycemia: a systematic overview and meta-analysis of prospective studiesGerstein, Santaguida, Raina, K.M. Morrison, Balion, D. Hunt, Yazdi, Booker2007 DecTijdschriftartikel
Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart AssociationHaskell, IMin Lee, Pate, K.E. Powell, S.N. Blair, Franklin, Caroline Macera, Gregory Heath, Paul Thompson, Adrian Bauman2007 AugTijdschriftartikel
Factors associated with teenage pregnancy in the European Union countries: a systematic reviewImamura, Tucker, Hannaford, da Silva, Astin, Wyness, K.W.M. Bloemenkamp, Jahn, Helle Karro, J. Olsen, Marleen Temmerman, REPROSTAT 2 group2007 DecTijdschriftartikel
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High risk of cardiovascular mortality in individuals with impaired fasting glucose is explained by conversion to diabetes: the Hoorn studyNijpels, Rijkelijkhuizen, Dekker, C. Stehouwer, Bouter, Robert Heine2007 FebTijdschriftartikel