NethMap 2015: Consumption of antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance among medically important bacteria in the NetherlandsNethMapRapport
Community-acquired pneumonia: etiology, epidemiology, and outcome at a teaching hospital in Argentina.Luna, Famiglietti, Absi, Videla, Nogueira, Fuenzalida, Gené2000 NovTijdschriftartikel
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Occurrence of congenital heart defects in relation to maternal multivitamin use.Botto, Mulinare, Erickson2000 May 1Tijdschriftartikel
Paternal obesity negatively affects male fertility and assisted reproduction outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysisJared Campbell, Michelle Lane, Julie Owens, Hassan BakosJan-11-2015Tijdschriftartikel