Maternal smoking and the risk of still birth: systematic review and meta-analysisTakawira Marufu, Anand Ahankari, T. Coleman, Sarah Lewis03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Concentratietoezicht ACM in de ziekenhuissector. Inzicht in en reflectie op de praktijkKemp, M-L Leijh-Smit, SchepTijdschriftartikel
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Cardiometabolic Risks and Severity of Obesity in Children and Young AdultsAsheley Skinner, Eliana Perrin, Leslie Moss, Joseph SkeltonJan-10-2015Tijdschriftartikel
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Positive affect and function as influences on self-assessments of health: expanding our view beyond illness and disability.Benyamini, Leventhal, Leventhal, Idler2000 MarTijdschriftartikel
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