Summary of the evidence on modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia: A population-based perspective.Matthew Baumgart, Heather Snyder, Maria Carrillo, Sam Fazio, Hye Kim, Harry Johns2015 JunTijdschriftartikel
Perinatal mortality and morbidity up to 28 days after birth among 743 070 low-risk planned home and hospital births: a cohort study based on three merged national perinatal databasesde Jonge, Geerts, van der Goes, Mol, Buitendijk, Nijhuis2015 AprTijdschriftartikel
Effects of a simple educational intervention in well-baby clinics on women's knowledge about and intake of folic acid supplements in the periconceptional period: a controlled trialDenhard de Smit, Stephanie Weinreich, M.C. Cornel2015 AprTijdschriftartikel
A national burden of disease calculation: Dutch disability-adjusted life-years. Dutch Burden of Disease Group.Hoeymans, Essink-Bot, Kramers, Melse2000 AugTijdschriftartikel
ESBL/ AmpC positive family member and child day-care attendance increase the risk for ESBL/AmpC carriagevan den Bunt, Mughini-Gras, Liakopoulos, Geurts, R. Pijnacker, Fluit, Bonten, Mevius, Wilfrid van PeltRapport
Kosten van letsel door ongevallen in Nederland: wetenschappelijke verantwoordingMeerding, Birnie, S. Mulder, P.C. den Hertog, H. Toet, van BeeckRapport
A break in the obesity epidemic? Explained by biases or misinterpretation of the data?Visscher, B.L. Heitmann, Rissanen, Lahti-Koski, Lissner2015 FebTijdschriftartikel
Incidence and risk factors of heart failureCost, Grobbee, van der Schoot-van Venrooy, Balk, Man in't Veld, A. PrinsProefschrift
Evidence of improving prognosis in heart failure: trends in case fatality in 66 547 patients hospitalized between 1986 and 1995.Simon Capewell, Chalmers, Stewart, Boyd, Finlayson, Redpath, Pell, Kate Macintyre, John McMurray2000 Sep 5Tijdschriftartikel