Comparison of mortality associated with methicillin-resistant and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a meta-analysis.Sara Cosgrove, George Sakoulas, Eli Perencevich, Mitchell Schwaber, Adolf Karchmer, Yehuda Carmeli2003 Jan 1Tijdschriftartikel
Long-term follow-up after surgical closure of ventricular septal defect in infancy and childhood.Meijboom, Szatmari, Utens, Deckers, Roelandt, Bos, Hess1994 Nov 1Tijdschriftartikel
Survival time, mortality, and cause of death in elderly patients with Parkinson's disease: a 9-year follow-up.Per-Arne Fall, Avin Saleh, Mats Fredrickson, Jan-Edvin Olsson, Ann-Kathrine Granérus2003 NovTijdschriftartikel
Quantification of the influence of cigarette smoking on rheumatoid arthritis: results from a population based case-control study, using incident cases.Stolt, Bengtsson, Nordmark, Lindblad, Lundberg, Klareskog, Alfredsson, EIRA study group2003 SepTijdschriftartikel
Smoking, blood pressure and serum cholesterol-effects on 20-year mortality.Saskia Houterman, Verschuren, Kromhout2003 JanTijdschriftartikel
Bevolkingsvraagstukken in Nederland anno 1994: demografische ontwikkelingen in maatschappelijk perspectiefvan Nimwegen, BeetsRapport
Psychological correlates of optimism in college students.Montgomery, Haemmerlie, D.M. Ray2003 AprTijdschriftartikel
Loneliness and health-related variables in early adolescents: an extensionNoreen Mahon, Adela Yarcheski, Thomas Yarcheski2003 AugTijdschriftartikel