The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research GroupThe Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group1993 Sep 30Tijdschriftartikel
The long-term outcomes of four alternative treatment strategies for primary open-angle glaucomavan Gestel, C. A. B. Webers, Severens, H. J. Beckers, Jansonius, Hendrikse, J.S. Schouten2012 FebTijdschriftartikel
Prevalence of obesity and trends in the distribution of body mass index among US adults, 1999-2010Flegal, Carroll, Kit, Ogden2012 Feb 1Tijdschriftartikel
Lifetime productivity losses associated with obesity status in early adulthood: a population-based study of Swedish menKristian Neovius, Clas Rehnberg, Martin Neovius, Rasmussen2012 Sep 1Tijdschriftartikel
Effectiveness of yearly, register based screening for chlamydia in the Netherlands: controlled trial with randomised stepped wedge implementation.van den Broek, Kretzschmar, de Wilt, van Bergen, Brouwers, Fennema, H.M. Götz, C.J.P.A. Hoebe, Rik Koekenbier, Over, Boris Schmid, Lydia Pars, Sander van Ravesteijn, van der Sande, Nicola Low, E.L.M. Op de Coul2012Tijdschriftartikel
NEA 2011: Vinger aan de pols van werkend NederlandE. M. M. de Vroome, van Zwieten, Lautenbach, Hooftman, van den Bossche, KoppesRapport