Impact of Intrauterine Growth Retardation and Body Proportionality on Fetal and Neonatal OutcomeMichael Kramer, Marielle Olivier, Frances McLean, Diana Willis, Robert Usher11/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Effect of maternal work activity on preterm birth and low birth weightTeitelman, Welch, Hellenbrand, Bracken01/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Statistical analysis of IgE antibodies to the common inhalant allergens in 44,496 sera.Aalberse, de Groot, Stapel1990 AugTijdschriftartikel
Individual Experiences as Cultural – a Cross-cultural Study on Loneliness Among the ElderlyJylhä, JokelaJan-09-1990Tijdschriftartikel
Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related researchCaspersen, K.E. Powell, Christenson1985 Mar-AprTijdschriftartikel
A prospective study of acute cerebrovascular disease in the community: the Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project 1981-86Bamford, M. Dennis, Burn, Warlow, Sandercock1990 JanTijdschriftartikel
EuroQol--a new facility for the measurement of health-related quality of life.EuroQol Group1990 DecTijdschriftartikel